Friday, September 12, 2008

Emergency Preparedness

I know the fact that we are posting something might shock many of you but the department sent the following information out to all members and I thought it might be good to share so if this works here goes.

Subject: National Preparedness Month

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is recognizing September as National Preparedness Month (NPM). NPM is designed to encourage Americans to take simple steps to prepare for all types of emergencies in their homes, businesses and communities.

LVMPD recognizes the importance of Personal Preparedness and is encouraging all members of this agency to ensure they are prepared.

It is imperative as representatives of the largest law enforce/first responder agency in the State of Nevada, we ensure that our families are prepared so if an event were to occur in Southern Nevada we would fulfill our responsibilities to the community.

Preparedness steps include:
Get a Kit

Recommended Items
Water – 1 gallon per person/pet per day
Food – at least 3 day supply of non-perishable food
Battery Powered or hand crank am/fm radio and a weather radio
Flashlight and extra batteries
First Aid Kit
Dust Mask(s)
Whistle to signal for help
Moist towelettes and garbage bags for personal sanitation
Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
Can opener for food
Local Maps

Additional Items
· Prescription medication and glasses
· Infant formula, diapers, toys, etc.
· Important family documents
· Cash and travelers checks
· Complete change of clothing for each person
· Warm blankets or sleeping bag for each person
· Feminine Supplies
· Matches
· Paper goods (plates, cups, napkins, utensils)
· Coins or pre-paid phone card

When making your kit, consider the storage container required and whether you will be sheltering in place or evacuating. Completed kits are available for purchase online as well as local retail stores.
Make A Plan

Your family may not be together when an emergency happens, so it is important to plan in advance: how you will contact one another; how you will get back together; and what you will do in different situations.

Family Emergency Plan
Include Out of town contacts (name, phone number, address)
Neighborhood meeting place
Evacuation location
Important medical information
Ensure everyone in your family has a copy of the plan and contact information

It is also imperative that LVMPD employees ensure that their emergency contact information is current.

Be Informed

TV, Radio, Web-based media
Local Emergency Plans
Local weather and emergency updates sent to your email or phone
Know how to contact your immediate supervisor
Be familiar with the types of natural and man-made emergencies that can happen in our community

There is a tremendous amount of personal preparedness information available online. Forms and checklists are available for Family Emergency Plans and preparing your kit at . Listed below are some very helpful websites:

1 comment:

Daniel Wilson said...

This is all great information! Thanks for sharing! We had dinner last night at mom and dads and we were discussing your post and how we should have a plan if anything does happen. We didn't come up with anything so if you have any suggestions let us know. Thanks again for posting this!