Sunday, July 27, 2008

On your mark, get set, blog!

I hope that everyone is able and willing to get involved in this blog so that we can all be more informed and become closer as a family. Feel free to read, post and comment about anything and everything.(Pretty clever title, huh. I came up with it all by myself)


Rebecca Pittman said...

What a great idea! I knew there was still some genetic genius that filter on down to the last of mom and dad's kids! Congrats! I'll try to do better with a blog than I seem to do with phone calls. I guess the big thing for us right now is that Gov. Huntsman has signed the "Working 4 Utah" initiative which means I will be working 4 10 hour days with Fridays off. We have to start by Sug 4th but I am easing into it this week. Thank goodness for my 3 minunte commute! We are still moving in furniture and putting up stuff on the walls but our room (7 months in the making is done). The floor looks great. Can't wait to carry it throughout the rest of the house. It is nice to have a familyroom so the kids have a place to play and aren't under foot. Still tons to do but we are getting it done so we are excited.

Hannah is walking! That has been really fun for us and we have discovered that she is a very dainty eater. She is hilarious. She only uses her utensils. I'm sure that will be short lived after she watches the table manners of her siblings but we are enjoying it for the time being!

Fun to see that Layne and I aren't the only Lost fans in the world! This blog will be great!

Daniel Wilson said...

Great to have the Pittman family aboard! I would love a 4 day work week. They are trying it where I work but only for one shift currently. Hopefully it will expand to the rest of my department.

You should post some pictures of your new room on the blog.

Hannah is a cutie! Kids are so much fun. We are still waiting for Brady to hold his own bottle.

I am a huge Lost fan! I mean huge! I can't wait for the next season to start. Dave and Robyn, Heather and Debbie and Ray are also Lost fans. I came accross some new Lost news that I will post shortly.